Letter from the President: First Half Recap!
As I sit in my bedroom back home, with midterm break allowing me some time to just sit and relax for a bit, I can’t help but reflect on the first half of this semester. It has been 178 days since I found out I had been elected President of Tau Lambda Sigma and 57 days since the semester of my presidency official began but, I can say with full confidence that on the daily, I fall back in love over and over again with Tau Lambda Sigma.
I’m just going to take some time to do a quick recap of some bigger events that have already taken place this semester. Although I have only highlighted 4 big events, I can assure you that the hard work members of Tau Lambda Sigma put in is daily! I couldn’t be more proud to be president of an organization full of strong, dedicated, passionate, and amazing women. I’m continuously impressed with how much of themselves they pour into this organization, this campus, and this community. Check out what we’ve been up to!
Our Fall 2014 Recruitment took place during the week of September 15th-19th. After a week full of sharing why we love TLS, we proudly welcomed 21 baby pandas to one of the greatest adventures of their lives! We saw ourselves in them or saw people we aspire to be in them – either way, we’re so excited to be able to call these women our sisters. On October 31st, upon completion of all requirements, they’ll be fully initiated members. Until then, we’ve been enjoying helping them along the journey and learning even more about what makes them unique! Our total member count which includes actives, associates, active sigmas, and pledges is now 107!

Post-Pinning Group Picture with the new pledge class! They’ll fit in perfectly with this unique group of sisters :)
Chapter Retreat:
On Saturday, September 29th, all members of Tau Lambda Sigma attended a Chapter Retreat. During this event, we reflected on our mission, values, and history, discussed ways to improve our organization, shared new ideas for the future, enjoyed time together with our sisters, and – of course, ate a lot of pizza! Our faculty advisor, Dr. Jack Holcomb, even joined us for pizza and a group picture!
Special Men’s Weekend:
Special Men’s Weekend was October 4th-6th. Our special men made trips to Kirksville for a weekend full of fun! The theme was “S’mores and Outdoors” which was perfect with the beautiful weather and fun memories made. Tau Lambda Sigma wouldn’t have the wonderful women it does without the positive influence of these men in their lives.
Homecoming Week:
The week of October 6th-10th was a busy one for all organizations on campus involved in our circus themed Homecoming! Tau Lambda Sigma joined with Cardinal Key, Sigma Tau Gamma, and Delta Chi to represent Team Elephant Indigo. Our participation was incredible and I could not be prouder with how well we represented Tau Lambda Sigma. Our team finished in 4th place – which we are very proud of! As a team, we raised over $700 for the Life Ability Center and Baldwin Auditorium.
Several shout-outs need to be made during this week:
1) Kaitlyn McManus represented Tau Lambda Sigma as a member of Homecoming Court. She was poised and beautiful as always!
2) Rachel Foster was a Co-Director of the entire Homecoming Week. All her hard work made for an incredible week for all involved.
3) All the Alumni who met up with sisters throughout the weekend. How lucky we are to have such a strong Alumni base. It was truly amazing to see your smiling faces again!

Our Homecoming Team, Elephant Indigo, gave us the opportunity to join together with Cardinal Key, Sigma Tau Gamma, and Delta Chi! Thanks to these organizations for such a fun and memorable week.

Rachel Foster served as a Director of Homecoming Week and Kaitlyn McManus represented Tau Lambda Sigma as a member of Homecoming Court! Proud of you, ladies <3

We were so happy that so many of our Alumni could join us at the Homecoming Tailgate! Bulldogs forever, sisters forever.
I cannot wait to see what the rest of the semester has in store for Tau Lambda Sigma as we continue to serve the community, the campus, and each other! :) Remember to “Like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter for more frequent updates. We appreciate all your support SO much – we couldn’t do any of it without your encouragement!
Panda love,
Shari Fieser Λ491
President, Fall 2014